Library Facilities

ILMS - Integrated Library Management System

Name of ILMS Software Nature of automation (fully or partially) Version Year of Automation
Campes iLIB Fully 5.9.7 2002

The College library follows the open Access System, and the Reference books follow the Closed Access system. Books are classified according to department wise and subject wise and are placed on the stacks. We check the availability of a particular book by using OPAC in library Software.

We have Reference books, Newspaper, and Magazines. PG and UG students are allotted with 6 and 5 books for 15days and faculty members are issued 8 books for 30 days for a semester.

The Best Library user award is given for students and faculty to who use the library resources mostly. Property counter facilities are available in our library.

Before entering the library users should live their belongings at the proper counter and entry in the gate register.

The College has a well – equipped computerized library with more than 53,341 Books and about 246 Journals and online Journals, E-books on various disciplines.

Total area of the library (In Sq.m) 8201
Total seating capacity 300
Library working Days on working days
on holidays
before examination days
during Examination days
during vacation
Library working hours 9:00 am to 6.00pm


E- Journals Delnet
Membership Shodhganga Membership
Databases Elsevier
Remote access to e- resources Yes

Remote access to E-Resources

E-Resources Delnet
Contact Person Sangeeta
Bandwidth Connectivity 100 MBps

OPAC - Online Public Access Catalogue

The Library also available OPAC facility to search the collection the books, projects and journals. Users can also search the latest collections.

Electronic Resource Management for E-journals

Journals are subscribed as Delnet. These journals are accessed through Local Area Network (IP Authenticated Access). Besides, 20 computers are available in the library to access the e-journals by the users. Students and faculty are access the e –journals in college campus.

Databases Federated searching tools to search articles in multiple

Federated searching tools provided by the various service providers are available to the students. These tools collate the results of the search from various sources/ journals and provide the summarized results. List of such services are IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, Wiley Black well, ASME, Delnet.

Library Website A separate Web Page Link is given in the college website.
Remote Access to E- Publications IP Authenticated Access for e-journals, user name & Password Access for Delnet Resources.
Total number of computers for general access 25 Computers
Total numbers of printers for general access 1
Internet Bandwidth speed 100 MBps
Institution repository Institutional Repositories are available in the form of Project Report, and Question Papers
Reprography Reprography Facility is available at library.
Download In Digital Library, users can download the E-journal articles, and other learning materials from World Wide Web.

User Orientation and awareness

Orientation programs are conducted for first year students regarding the usage of library resources. Trained staff members are available for assisting the students in searching databases.

Average number of books Issued/ returned 2904
Radio of library books to students enrolled 5:1
Average number of login to OPAC/day 10:15
Average number of login to e-resources (per month) 175
Details of Weeding out of books and other materials Magazines, project papers weeded out to the students

Central Library - Books

S.No Department Title Volume
1 CSE 3636 9440
2 ECE 1754 6481
3 MECHANICAL 1397 4842
4 EEE 7471 3239
5 TC 622 1295
6 TT 829 1486
7 IT 1756 4945
8 CIVIL 668 1721
9 ME-CSE 1131 3517
10 ME-AE 199 915
11 M.Tech Textile 268 437
12 MBA-E 3706 9063
13 PCT & PE 134 407
14 ME-TE 9 9
15 S & H 2762 5544
Total 19642 53341

Central Library - Journals

S.No Department Title Volume
1 CSE 6 6
2 ECE 7 6
4 EEE 6 6
5 TC 6 6
6 TT 6 6
7 IT 6 6
8 CIVIL 6 6
9 ME-CSE 5 5
10 ME-AE 5 5
11 M.Tech Textile 5 5
12 MBA-E 15 15
13 PCT & PE 12 12
14 ME-TE 5 5
15 S & H 0 0
Total 98 95

Central Library - Open Access


S.No Description Website Link User Name Password
1 Database resources Open access Open access
2 Database resources Open access Open access
3 Database resources Open access Open access
4 Database resources Open access Open access


S.No Description Website Link User Name Password
1 E-Books Open access Open access
2 E-Books Open access Open access
3 E-Books Open access Open access
4 E-Books Open access Open access
5 E-Books Open access Open access
6 E-Books Open access Open access

Central Library - E-Resources


S.No Description Website Link User Name Password
1 Delnet tnssmce ssmce90
2 Elsevier https: // Open access Open access
3 IEEE Open access Open access
4 Springer Open access Open access
5 NPTEL Open access Open access
6 ASME Open access Open access
7 Wiley Open access Open access

E-ShodhSindhu, Shodhganga Membership

S.No Description Website Link User Name Password
1 E-Shodh Sindhu Open access Open access
2 E-Shodh Ganga Open access Open access

Central Library - Magazines

S.No Magazine Name
1 Tamil Computer
2 The Textile Magazine
3 Competition Success Review
4 Electrical India
5 Tamilarasu
6 Builders Line
7 Electronics for you
8 Colourage
9 Thozhil Ulagam
10 Down to Earth

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