Sample Attainment of POs and COs

Attainment of program outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution


Assessment gives us essential information about what the students are learning and about the extent to which meeting our teaching goals.

Attainment of Course outcomes:

Attainment of course outcomes are assessed by considering the following two categories of marks

The internal assessment mark for the theory is the average of the three internal assessment examinations and for laboratory average mark of records and one model practical examination. Project work is evaluated by conducting three review sessions, thesis submission and Viva-voce examination batch-wise. Grade points are given by the university in the end semester examination results and the equivalent marks are given in the table.

The course outcomes are framed by the respective faculty members and HOD with the help of an expert. Subject wise CO attainment level is calculated by adding 20% of the final internal assessment attainment level (given in the table) with and 80% of end semester examination attainment level for each subject is calculated. Thus, the average of percentage of students attaining the entire COs decides the CO attainment level.

Attainment Level Students pass percentage Marks level for (Internal & End Semester Examination*)
1 50% to 60% 50 % and above out of maximum relevant marks
2 61% to 70 % 50 % and above out of maximum relevant marks
3 71% and above 50 % and above out of maximum relevant marks

*Grade points of the end semester examination results are converted as range of marks and is given in the additional information table.

Attainment of Programme outcomes:

Attainment of PO’s are calculated by the following tools

Direct Attainment

Indirect Attainment

Students Exit Survey

A association is established among COs and POs in the scale of 1 to 3, 1 being the slight (low), 2 being moderate (medium) and 3 being substantial (high). A mapping matrix for CO and PO’s is prepared for every course in the program and average of COs for all PO’s, are calculated for each subject of the program. Average of all PO’s for all the subjects are also calculated.

Indirect attainment is found from student exit survey about the programme and is conducted by providing the PO’s as questionnaires to the outgoing students by giving three grade points as Excellent – III, Good – II, Average – I. Total weightags and maximum weightage is calculated for each PO’s. PO’s weightage is also calculated from the percent weightage. Indirect attainment is 20 % of the weightage of the each PO’s. Attainment levels of 80% direct method which includes 20% internal assessment level, 80% end semester attainment level and 20% indirect method is the PO’s attainment.

Attainment tools for COs, POs

The process of attainment of COs, POs starts from appropriate COs for each course of the program from first year to fourth year in a four-year engineering degree program. The COs, POs are given by the Anna University for the affiliated college. The faculties are using those COs, POs. Then, a correlation is established between COs and POs in the scale of 1 to 3, 1 being the slight (low), 2 being moderate (medium) and 3 being substantial (high). A mapping matrix is prepared in this regard for every course in the program including the elective subjects. The course outcomes written and their mapping with POs are reviewed frequently by a committee of senior faculty members before they are finalized.

Course Outcomes are narrower statements that describe what students are expected to know, and be able to do at the end of each course. These relate to the skills, knowledge, and behavior that students acquire in their matriculation through the course. In a university-affiliated college, the CO attainment levels can be measured based on the results of the internal assessment and external examination conducted by the university. This is a form of direct measurement of attainment. In the university to which the author’s institute is affiliated to, three internal assessment tests are conducted for each course in a semester. In each test, the percentage of students who achieve a set target (usually, 60% of the maximum marks, i.e., 15 of 25) for the COs that are covered is computed. After the three tests, the average of these percentages is computed to decide the attainment level. Thus, the average of percentage of students attaining the entire COs decides the CO attainment level.

Similarly, after the declaration of the university results, the percentage of students who attained the COs is computed. Here, it is assumed that the questions answered by a student cover all the course outcomes defined for that course.

In a meeting of senior faculty members in the author’s institute, many discussions were held on setting the target attainment level (percent of marks scored by a student in a course) for deciding the course attainment level. The target set based the university previous results for 3-4 years but also on the type of course (subject) and the quality of students admitted.

Programme Outcome (POs) - Department of Textile Technology

II Year – III semester

Course name:

At the end of this course, the student will be able to:

S.No Course Outcomes
1 Explain the preparatory processes involved in the production of fabrics
2 Explain the principles of different fabric production methods
3 Identify various fabric defects and their causes and remedies

Course outcome Vs PO’s mapping (DETAILED: HIGH-3, MEDIUM-2, and LOW-1)

S.No PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9
C303.1 2 3 3 1 0 0 2 0 0
C303.2 3 3 3 2 1 0 3 0 0
C303.3 0 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3
C303.4 1.6 3 3 2 1 1 2.3 1 1

Internal assessments

Course IA-1 IA-2 IA-3 Sum of Internal University
C303 2 2 3 2.3 2
Weightage 20% 80%
Internal / University attainments 0.46 1.6
Final attainment for the subject 2.06
Target value 2.0

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