Infrastructure & Initiatives

Green Campus Initiatives

Maintaining a clean and green campus is not only beneficial for the health and well-being of the students and staffs in the campus, but also contributes to our government’s Clean India Campaign. The initiatives of SSM College of Engineering in maintaining a clean and Green campus reflects the institution's values and commitment to create a better future for current and future generations.

Sign Board for restricting the vehicles entering Main Building area

Pedestrian pathways laid on the sides of the main approach road

Landscaping with trees in the pathway

Landscaping with trees in the Hexagon building area

Aerial view of Lawn and trees

Landscaping with trees in the Canteen area

Gardening inside Hexagon Building

Gardening in the main block

Miyawaki Forest Inside The Campus

Display Board – Plastic free campus

Display Board - “Say No to Plastic”

Display board showing the ban of plastic in Canteen area

Disabled-friendly & Barrier-free campus

SSM College of Engineering is committed to provide equal opportunity for the Disabled people in the College Campus. The following measures are taken to ensure Disabled-Friendly, Barrier Free Environment. Ramp facility, Disable friendly restrooms, Braile Blaster software to assist the blind students and Wheel chair facilities are available for those in needs. Our institution assist the disabled students to write the exams with the help of scribe and the exam cell provides all the necessary assistance to get the permission from the University. Signage boards are placed in different locations to provide a barrier free movement and to use the required facilities without any difficulty.

Disabled Friendly Restroom with Ramp Facility

Hand rail installed for support

Board Showing The Way For Disabled Friendly Rest Room

Scribe Assistant Facility in the Exam Cell

System with Braille Blaster software at the Central Library

Boards with Directions for various facilities in the college

Boards with Name of the Departments in a Block

Boards with Name of the Departments in a Block

Board showing the Library Block

Display Board at the Entrance of Boys Hostel

Display Board at the Entrance of Ladies Hostel

Water Conservation

As water conservation is essential for environmental sustainability, SSM College of Engineering has taken various measures to effectively manage this precious resource. The institution has an excellent facility to harvest rain water in the buildings. The collected rain water from the buildings is used to recharge the open well and the bore wells. As every drop of water is important, waste water recycling is used to recycle the waste water in the hostel which is then used for watering the plants and trees. The rejected water from the R.O system is used to water the lawn through a sprinkler system.

Alternate source of Energy & Energy Conservation

SSM College of Engineering is utilizing renewable sources of energy and energy efficient systems, as a contribution to the nation and the environment as a whole.Solar Power plant, Solar Heaters, Solar street lights, Sensor based automated systems for energy conservation and energy efficient devices such as LED bulbs are used in the campus.

Management of Degradable & non – Degradable Waste

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