Hostel Facility
Student life at SSM is nourishing, easy and fun filled. The Residential concept of SSM Hostels is to stimulate home conditions to provide them with the most conducive atmosphere to pursue their education. The hospitality provided here makes the life of students staying at hostels much more comfortable and pleasant, thereby making it a second home.
Hostel for Men & Women
The college has excellent hostel facilities for both men & women, run by the Management having the Principal as the Chief Warden. The boy’s hostel accommodates 600 students and has separate blocks for under graduate and post graduate students.
International Hostel
International Hostel for Boys and Girls cater the needs of foreign nationals. Air-conditioned rooms with attached bathrooms are facilitated with modern furniture and generator power-back up.
Shuttle Cork and Tennis Courts are exclusively available for foreign nationals. Healthy, hygienic and nutritious western cuisine is served to the students.
Separate Gymnasium with the state-of-the-art equipment is provided at all the hostels which include international hostel.
Hostel Facilities
Hostels for men and women have facilities for steam cooking, reverse osmosis water, 24 hours internet, STD booth and a general store. Facility for on-call doctor is available for 24 hours and transportation is also made available on emergency. Both hostels serve vegetarian and non-vegetarian food items and yoga classes are arranged to keep the students mentally and physically fit.
College Mess
The college mess is built with a sophisticated kitchen with ultra modern equipments like boilers, cookers, milk cookers and steam cookers. Separate rooms are provided for cylinders, stores, sweets, ice creams, vessels and workers.
Hosting students from various parts of the country, all efforts are made to serve a wide variety of food. Food is served to satisfy diverse palates. The mineral water plants are installed in the hostels to provide safe drinking water.
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