Board of trusties
S.No | Name | Position |
1 | 'Cavalier' Dr. M.S. Mathivanan | Chairman |
2 | Mrs. M.Vijayalakshmi | Secretary |
3 | Mr. M.S.Kumaran | Member |
4 | Mrs. K.Sudha | Member |
Chairman Message
M.Com., M.A., D.I.E.M., H.G.D.M.(LON).,F.T.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
‘Cavalier’ Dr. M.S.Mathivaanan, Chairman of SSM Group of Institutions, is a versatile and multifaceted personality. Basically an industrialist hailing from Komarapalayam town, he has achieved many milestones. He has to his credit a vast experience in managing educational institutions and is the forerunner in the establishment of SSM College of Engineering, SSM College of Arts & Science and other institutions of the SSM Group. He has presented numerous papers in International conferences of which a paper on ‘Engineering Management Education & Social and Philosophical Aspects of Technology & its impact on Modern Society’ at UNESCO International centre for Engineering Education is a notable one.
He is the apex-body of the Textile Association (India), Confederation of Indian Weaving Industries, Power loom Development and Export Promotion Council, South India Textile Manufacturer’s Association and Nodal Centre for upgradation of Textile Education, to name a few. He received the fellowship of ‘World Academy of Productivity Science’ at Shenyang in China.
He is also an active and constructive social leader who has been a signatory of the convention of the Rights of the Child at the United Nations and 2nd Don Black Belt in Karate by Kyokushin karate International. He is the first Indian and first non-christian in the world to receive the grand cross ‘Cavalier’ title at the Royal Palace, Italy by his Royal Highness, Italy for promoting the rights of Child at United Nations.
Govt of Tamilnadu has awarded “Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Award” for his educational services during Thiruvalluvar Thirunaal award function.
Vice - Chairman Message
Mr. Indarjith Mathivaanan is the Vice-Chairman of SSM Group of Institutions. He studied at Montfort school and completed his Bachelor of Engineering in Honors with Business Studies at University of Southampton, United Kingdom. He holds several decisive positions such as
Chief Executive Officer of SSM International Academy,
Managing Director of Tanext Chemicals
Chief Executive Officer of Caliber Corporation, Belgium
Director of Cavery Clothing Company &
Trustee of SSM Educational Trust.
With a vision to enhance overall development of Individual and Institution, he has undertaken visits abroad for promotional activities of SSM Group of Institutions.Inspired by the ‘Tom shoes’ activities, he has commenced a business venture with a social cause called “Devalan” which means clothing the world. “Devalan” produces High quality Polo T-shirts and Denim jeans to be sold in the market. The concept of Develan is ‘For every product sold, Devalan gives a similar product to a child in need’. That is YOU buy one and WE give one to a child in need.
He is the Co-Founder of Nuacem AI. He has been elected by Silicon India as one of the "10 Most Promising AI Solution Providers - 2019" (India).
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